Haircutting Task - Barber Practical Exam
Our practical examination test kits come in reclosable plastic bags with labels printed in English following the NIC® recommendations. Please review your candidate information bulletin if your state doesn't follow NIC® guidelines.
IMPORTANT: Our kit comes with straight razors for shaving which are equipped with a razor blade. Check your state examination regulations regarding the use of a razor blade during testing (you may be required to remove the razor blade prior to testing).
Use per NIC® Barber-1 & Barber Styling Core Domain section 2: Haircutting
Supplies Included
- 5 butterfly hair clips
- White towel in bag labeled "STEAM TOWEL"
- 2 all-purpose styling combs
- Clipper comb
- 2 pairs of hair cutting shears
- 1 straight razor
- Shaving gel
- Cosmock™ Simulated Astringent
- Cotton balls in bag labeled "COTTON"