Basic Facial Task - Esthetics Practical Exam
Our practical examination test kits come in reclosable plastic bags with labels printed in English following the NIC® recommendations. Please review your candidate information bulletin if your state doesn't follow NIC® guidelines.
Use per NIC® Esthetics Core Domain Section 2: Client Preparation & Basic Facial.
Supplies Included
- 1 facial towel in bag labeled "STEAM TOWEL"
- Reclosable bag labeled "COTTON" including:
- - 10 cotton rounds
- - 10 - 4" x 4" / 12-ply gauze pads
- - 2 sponges
- Reclosable bag labeled "SPATULAS" including:
- - 6 plastic spatulas
- Microfiber headband (velcro)
- Client drape (short cape)
- Disposable bouffant cap head cover
- Facial exfoliating brush
- Glycolic fan brush for facial masks
- Cosmock™ Simulated Exfoliant
- Cosmock™ Simulated Facial Cleansing Cream
- Cosmock™ Simulated Massage Cream
- Cosmock™ Simulated Moisturizer
- Cosmock™ Simulated Astringent
- Cosmock™ Simulated Facial Mask Cream
- Cosmock™ Simulated Sunscreen Lotion